Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 6: Creating Student-Centered Classes and Interactive Power Point

Hello everyone,

Obviously, we are learning a lot and this week is to introduce our project ideas to the class.

As I have already mentioned in my posts, my students are adult learners specializing in finance. And it makes them different in terms of responsibility and professional interest to English language.

At first step the students were assigned to read three articles on public speaking skills. On Monday we had a fruitful, productive discussion on the topic. Two students were out of the country so the sent their written comments. The hot issue was cultural issues in terms of Public Speaking. The learners go abroad very often so they provided many examples and comments from own experience. It is necessary to mention that they were very active to suggest more links to read.

On Wednesday class I introduced them to the ‘Best Sites to Practice Speaking English’ by Larry Ferlazzo and everybody signed for English Central. In fact, they were very inspired. All students agreed that web opportunities are numerous, providing them with autonomy and a chance to follow their own pace studying English. The students stayed in class more longer after the class.

On Friday we carried on with ‘Tips for making presentation better’ and 'The Presentations Secrets of Steve Jobs 2' in the computer lab. Finally we agreed on the list of Best Tips.

That's our week!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Marina,

    Thanks for sharing details about the technology you've been implementing with your students!

    I like how you pointed out that many of the English focused websites are geared toward independent learning, and thus, increase autonomy in our students. We'll be discussing a lot more about promoting learner autonomy in this week's discussion. I look forward to hearing more of your ideas.

