Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 3: Skill building websites and Delicious system

Hi All!

One more week passed. What is an outcome?

An outcome, as usually, is fascinating. I knew a lot from our readings and recourses. For the first, 'Teaching Pronunciation to adult English Language learners' ( article drew my attention to evidence-based strategies for teaching pronunciation. I find ‘Pronunciation checklist’ designed by Nora Samosir very helpful as we develop our students’ pronunciation goal. The article provides the number of activities to help learners use word stress correctly, which I’ve already started to use at the beginning of my classes.

My personal finding of this week is Larry Ferlazzo’s list of best sites. The ‘English Central’,’Art of storytelling’, ‘Vocaroo’, ‘Blabberze’ are those I’ve started to use for my classes right after I knew about them.

The next step I made new discovery opening a Delicious planet. This easy to use bookmarking system lets me keep my own track of the useful links ever found. I can access it from anywhere, share others bookmarks, edit ‘tags’ to be more precise. There is an option to make a link private, which I like. In fact, it is a wonderful ‘boat’ in the information ‘ocean’.

Finally, Project Samples were very helpful to grasp an idea of our final project. I analyzed Aleyda Linares project ( It is definitely worth of attention in terms of introducing the class blog.

Summing up, I consider this week recourses are underestimated for our everyday teaching practice.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Week 2: Discovering digital world

Wow! It is just a second week of our course running. Don’t you think, it is unbelievable, in terms of amount of new information and recourses?
Step by step…
For the first, we have opened the Web searching technology. As I pointed in one of my posts it was like ‘Discovering America by Columbus’. Most of course mates are overwhelmed with positive emotions and thoughts making their searching. An amazing fact is that we are able to implement this new knowledge right next day. No doubt, we have just started and there are a lot of discoveries ahead.
For the second, ABCD method and Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Speaking frankly I was a bit frustrated for the first with ABCD. I covered plenty of recourses and readings to get better understanding. And I still have some questions and concerns: As usually I try to get some objectives within one class. Is it right or not? Then, it is still sometimes critical for me to distinguish between Goals-Objectives-Outcomes. As for Bloom’s Taxonomy, it is rather helpful and clear with its mental abilities levels description and appropriate verbs lists.
Well, I am leaving for the final day of International Astronomical Olympiad tomorrow as an interpreter. Hope to have a  wonderful weekend. It will take place on Issyk-kul lake which is extremely beautiful place.
Have a nice weekend too!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week 1: First week reflection

Hello everyone once again.

In general I feel that week 1 went well for us. For the first I am impressed with our diverse professional group full of enthusiasm and good will.

In the meantime there were a number of interesting posts. Reading both the Discussion posts and Blog posts I realise that Blog creating turned to be both easy and difficult. Unfortunately I still can not get an access to some groupmates Blogs, specifically those added last days. Keeping Blogs will help us to share reflections and deepen our own learning. As it is mentioned in 'Reflective blog' resourse(left-handed side of the course site) 'blog will be an ongoing record of what you are doing in the course'. Personally, I am excited to know how to add graphics, videos and links. Unlike other Platforms your own blog is yours to define. It is free and easy to be on-line. And what I like it is more private.

Finally, I am glad that we agreed on rubrics.



Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 1: Blogging experience

Obviously creating a blog turned to be fascinating experience.

Blog designing seems to be a bit challenging for me. I am amazed with Gordana's and Sharmilla's  blogs. Great job!

Even now, at first steps I see how this valuable asset could contribute my teaching routine.
We live in the age of technology and students are always happy to take something risky and new. Blogging will definitely trigger their motivation and expand their perspectives. I am specifically interested in classroom blogging. It is a good platform for: building learning community, placing announcements, assignments, placing variety of students works, sharing resources and.... Again, Classroom Blogging is a good Platform for shy students.

Wow, it is only first week running. What is ahead?
Good luck everybody,